The Mammoth
Hello one, hello all!
Let me cut to the chase. The demand for the Mammoth has blown past our expectations, which has been fantastic. I quadrupled the order from last year, and we still essentially sold out in minutes. Not to worry though as we at Iron Snail Industries are on the case. Our first order of business was putting out this page that you're on right now so we can keep everyone updated.
Here is the one action item for you that’ll help us tremendously:
Please sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page. That’s the easiest way for me to blast a message out and not have to worry about algorithms, messages buried in videos, etc. We don’t email that frequently, and we typically only share product updates. We’ll be putting our updates out on the site too, but it’s a little easier if we can just swim into your inbox and leave you a small gift.
Anyway, here is how we’re rolling out our 2025 plans.
The Main Goal: Everyone gets a Mammoth
A lofty goal, that’s for sure, but I’m doing everything in my power to not be a “hype” brand. Part of that is eliminating this “sold out in 2 seconds” state that we’re in right now.
All Snail products are supposed to be heirlooms, pieces that you buy and hold onto forever. Ideally, we get you your piece as quickly as possible so your forever can start ASAP.
Currently, I’m on the horn with manufacturers all over the USA to nail down dates and to get things rolling. I want to finalize all of this information before I start blabbering to all of you. In 1 - 2 months, we’ll have something very fun to show you, and we’ll also have a way for everyone to put money towards a Mammoth. We have a mountain of folks waiting to get a Mammoth, and we’re going to make sure that mountain smooths out.
The Other Goal: The Wait is Worth it
I wish I could send out your Mammoths instantly but at our scale and with the USA manufactures we’re working with — we need to get things moving far before they are shipping. I need to get orders placed and set by February for an end of the year delivery.
So, the goal and promise of “The Mammoth” is that the wait will be worth it. I’m amped up for this next batch and think you will be too. We want our price to quality ratio to be as obscene (in a good way) as possible and I believe we are on track with it. The Iron Snail is no longer just me, Mr. Mikey. It’s Mr. JustOkay, Sir Lyle, Holly (no nickname for her yet), and then a few other folks that haven’t officially rececieved their Snail crest yet. We’re all hemming and hawing over every possible point of your Snail journey and I believe that when your Mammoth hits your front door, it’ll shake the foundation and be your new woolen fortress.
With that, we'll talk soon. Ta-tah!
- Michael

Learn about product availability and see behind-the-scenes action, from cleaning raw sheep's wool to pressing pure copper rivets. This newsletter has it all, it's the best!
- Michael, writer of the Newsletter