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Learn about product availability and see behind-the-scenes action, from cleaning raw sheep's wool to pressing pure copper rivets. This newsletter has it all!

– Michael, writer of the newsletter.

Some Not-So-Good News and Some Great News

Some Not-So-Good News and Some Great News

Howdy do to you all, it’s Michael, back with another email blast.

For those of you unaware, this is Snail Mail, a (sometimes) weekly email detailing what’s happening behind the scenes at Iron Snail HQ.

We’ve got some good news and some not-so-good news. In this case, I think it’s always best to start with the bad news. That way, we can zing it out of the way and enjoy a fresh, steaming pie of good news after.

The Bad News

Project Sabertooth has been put on hold. In short, after sampling the new companion to the Mammoth a few times… it just didn’t feel right for the name “Sabertooth.” The Sabertooth, as its name suggests, is going to be a very aggressive, lean, mean, fighting machine. If the Mammoth is our warmth monster, the Sabertooth is our agile, on-the-go piece.

There are a LOT of things I’m working on for release next year, and Sabertooth is now being added to that list. I want to make sure every product is as great as we can make it from the start, and I think taking a few more months on Sabertooth will help us get it to the level it needs to be. On the bright side, the design of what is now an unnamed creature in the lineup is currently with me, being tweaked into a new product that may come out late next year.

The Good News

I’m hoping to have a finalized sample of the Mammoth within the next two weeks. From there, I’ll place an order for the whole batch immediately so we can dash into production. This will reduce the pre-order wait times, make ordering easier, and get Mammoths into your chilly hands faster. I’m really trying to have the manufacturer group this order with our denim order, so everything will come out at the same time, around the end of November. I’ll keep you all as updated as much as I possibly can.

I can’t thank you enough for the interest, and I’m sorry I can’t get these out faster! But I always want to ensure we hit quality first. With all that said, I’ll be providing updates much more frequently now that we’re in the swing of things. We have quite a few different Mammoths coming this year — I’ll update you as I get in-hand samples.

Billy Goat

I’ve received the first-ever sample of the Billy Goat (our sweater)… and for the first time, there were no callouts or edits on the sample. It’s meant to be a simple, tough-as-nails sweater that’s still soft, and it’s exactly what I hoped it would be. Our custom yarn is finishing up, and I’ll show you the entire line (and Billy Goat 2) very soon. It’s truly a beast of a sweater.

Snail Team

I’ve been sprinting around a bit frantically for the past 5 or so years. From my day jobs, to full-time Snail, to now way-over-full-time Snail, I’ve run myself a bit ragged. In short, I’ve found myself unable to get on top of my schedule, even if I work from the second I wake up until the second I fall asleep. Of course, this is a great thing — literally the greatest job in the world. That being said, I’ve decided I need some help and have been actively bringing members onto the team. Sir Lyle has probably answered a question or two if you’ve emailed us (among a million other things he does behind the scenes), we’ve partnered with a great 3PL shipping company (not in effect yet), one of my closest friends from middle school is now helping with animations on Snail vids, and the list goes on (something I need to announce in an upcoming email).

All this to say, I’m bringing people on the team so we can work on more and more things. I can’t thank you enough for the support, the emails, the ideas, and everything else. As always, I promise to do my absolute best to make everything from the Snail far beyond the grade. The videos on YouTube may come out a little slower than I’d like right now, and these weekly emails may not be so weekly… but we’re getting there! All aboard! We’re setting sail to conquer the world and become the greatest clothing brand the world has ever seen!!

Chat soon! Happy Friday!

- Michael

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  • Is there a specific date that the Mammoth pre-order will go live?

  • Looking forward for news about jacket, br


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